Regarding limits on carry-on baggage

Dangerous and Forbidden Onboard Items

The following items are forbidden from being brought on board the aircraft

  • Items that contain gunpowder

    including fireworks and firecrackers

  • Aerosols (does not include cosmetics, toiletries, or medicines)

    Gas cassettes for stoves, sports oxygen cylinders, pesticides, agricultural chemicals

  • Others

    Bleach, paints, self-heating meals (i.e., army rations), cigarette lighter fluid

  • Batteries

    E-cigarettes, lithium batteries (ion or metallic), portable batteries

  • Matches/cigarette lighters

The following items are forbidden from being brought on board the aircraft. Please check this list in advance.

  • Weapons

    Knives, scissors, sharp items (ice picks, screwdrivers), blunt weapons (bats), industrial tools

Customers with dangerous items must speak to ground staff prior to boarding. Please see this list (pdf) for more details

Carrying Liquids Onboard

There are limits on the amount of liquids that can be carried onboard.

  • Each container can only contain a maximum of 100 ml

  • If several containers will be brought on board, they must fit inside a transparent vinyl bag (with a zipper) that has a volume of 1 liter or less

  • Each passenger is limited to one bag